another journal

i woke up at 4pm today but..

most ppl (productivity gurus) have that overheard definition of success

waking up at 5am, journal daily, meditate, sleep at 10pm...

and sure, that works for many people. It's not bad advice.

but what's wrong is to say this is the "only" way to achieve success

success isn't about when you wake up.

it's about what you do when you wake up.

i woke up at 4pm, did my journal, meditate, slept at 3am..

and guess what: my tasks for today are checked off! and i feel good :)

success isn't about following someone else's schedule.

it's about finding your rhythm, your flow, your unique way of crushing your goals.

maybe you're a night owl. maybe you thrive at noon. maybe your best ideas come at 2 am. (mine is at 3am lol)

The only 'right' way to succeed is the way that works for you.

don't feel bad when u fail to wake up at 6am because u feel tired af.

more importantly -- don't let anyone else define your path to greatness.

your success, your rules.

just do the f*king work – whatever time the clock says.