another journal


yes.. it's real.

death is the only thing we humans can agree it's real.

one of my relatives passed away today

he was like a grandfather to me when i was like 1 to 4 years old

we lived in the same place but i barely remember him..

and now -- i don't even remember what he looked like..

(we moved to another house then they moved to another city)


i know deep down that he and her wife (i still call her grandmother 'jddati') cared for me a lot

even when the details slip, the impact remains.

death: it comes for us all, whether we're ready or not.

and this always remind me that it's not the years in our life that count..

but the life in our years.

May Allah grant him Jannah Alfirdaous inshallah

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون